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Animal Husbandry Loan In West Bengal

NABARD Animal Husbandry Scheme 2023

AHIDF Loan Applications Now Open

The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) is now accepting applications through its online portal. AHIDF provides financial assistance to entrepreneurs and farmers in the animal husbandry sector to establish or upgrade infrastructure for various activities, including dairy farming, poultry farming, and feed manufacturing.

Benefits and Eligibility

AHIDF offers loans at concessional interest rates with flexible repayment options. Eligible projects include:

  • Dairy farming: Milk collection, processing, and marketing
  • Poultry farming: Hatcheries, breeder farms, and processing units
  • Feed manufacturing: Plants for producing poultry and livestock feed
  • Other infrastructure: Cold storage, veterinary clinics, and transportation facilities


The AHIDF scheme is a significant step towards the modernization of India's animal husbandry sector. By supporting the development of infrastructure, the scheme aims to increase productivity, improve quality, and enhance market linkages for farmers and entrepreneurs. The inclusion of dedicated technical experts in the field at WBCADC will further strengthen the AHIDF's implementation and its impact on the sector.
