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Biden Starts Catching Up To Trump

WEB Polymarket 2024 Presidential Election Markets

Biden Starts Catching Up to Trump

General Election will take place on November 5, 2024

According to WEB Polymarket, a prediction market platform, Joe Biden is starting to catch up to Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election markets. As of July 1, 2023, Biden's odds of winning the election are 42%, while Trump's are 48%. This is a significant change from just a few months ago, when Trump was a clear favorite.

There are a number of reasons for Biden's surge in the polls. First, he has been able to unite the Democratic Party behind him. Second, he has been seen as a more moderate candidate than Trump, which has appealed to some voters. Third, Trump has been plagued by a number of scandals, which have hurt his reputation.

It is still too early to say who will win the 2024 presidential election. However, Biden's recent surge in the polls is a sign that the race is tightening. It will be interesting to see how the campaign unfolds over the next few months.


The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most competitive in recent history. With Biden and Trump neck-and-neck in the polls, the outcome is far from certain. The election will likely be decided by a number of factors, including the economy, the candidates' personal strengths and weaknesses, and the overall political climate. It will be fascinating to watch how the race unfolds over the next few months.
